Welsh Liberal Democrat Leader Jane Dodds has slammed the Tories for creating a “Nurse Tax” on EU citizens who come to the UK to work for the NHS.
The new Tory policy extends the Immigration health surcharge of £400 to EU health professionals, coming to the UK to work in our NHS.
The fee, which is £400 per person per year, under Conservative plans could be payable directly out of doctor and nurse salaries.
This would mean an NHS worker from the EU with a family of four, would be expected to pay £8000 over five years. This is on top of the upfront visa application cost of £464 per person or £1856 for a family of four.
Commenting Welsh Liberal Democrat Leader Jane Dodds said:
The Conservatives plans to create a new Nurse Tax is an insult to the thousands of people who dedicate their lives coming to work in our health service from the EU.
Our NHS relies on the thousands of doctors, nurses and other key NHS staff from across the EU to provide the quality service it is famous for.
Whilst the Tories plan to tax our dedicated and hard-working NHS staff, we are committed to giving them the resources they need to do their jobs as best they can.
That is why the Welsh Liberal Democrats are campaigning to Stop Brexit, so that we can build a brighter future for our NHS and those who use it.